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Game Name : Star Wars: Starfighter
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-02-16 03:37:55
Views : 14340

Cheat mode
Enter "OVERSEER" as a code to unlock everything in the game except the bonus multi-player missions.

Secret spaceship for bonus missions
Enter "BLUENSF" as a code.

Bonus multi-player missions
Enter "ANDREW" as a code. Alternatively, successfully complete all 14 regular missions with a gold medal to unlock the Canyon Race and Capture The Flag bonus missions. In the Canyon Race mission you and another player race down the canyons of Naboo using a split screen. In the Capture The Flag mission you and another player battle it out in the skies of Naboo. Rules follow basic Capture The Flag rules where players try to steal an opponents "flag" and return it to their own airspace.

Enter "MINIME" as a code.

Director mode
Enter "DIRECTOR" as a code to have alternate camera angles. Press Select to cycle camera views or R1 to zoom in.

Jar-Jar mode
Enter "JARJAR" as a code to reverse the pilot controls.

Disable cockpit displays
Enter "NOHUD" as a code.

Christmas FMV sequence
Enter "WOZ" as a code to view a hidden FMV sequence of Nym trying to open a door, and when he knocks it in a guy pops out and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

James' day of work
Enter "JAMES" as a code.

Spaceship and cast pictures
Enter "HEROES" as a code.

Enemy ship gallery
Enter "SHIPS" as a code.

Pre-production art
Enter "PLANETS" as a code.

Pictures of Simon
Enter "SIMON" as a code.

View development team
Enter "TEAM" as a code.

View credits
Enter "CREDITS" as a code.

Default screen
Enter "SHOTS", "SIZZLE", or "HOTEL" as a code.

Multi-player mode
Successfully complete all 14 regular missions on any difficulty setting with any medals to unlock two player mode.

Charm's Way bonus mission
Successfully complete The Royal Escort, Contract Infraction, Piracy Above Lok, Taking The Offensive, The New Resistance, and The Final Assault missions with a bronze medal to unlock the Charm's Way bonus mission. In the Charm's Way mission you must defend a fleet of escaping freighters from waves of Trade Federation Droid Fighters. The lead freighter is captained by Reeve Dallows, Rhys' father. You play as Rhys in the Naboo N-1 Starfighter.

Canyon Sprint bonus mission
Successfully complete Naboo Proving Grounds, The Royal Escort, Taking The Offensive, Midnight Munitions Run, Rescue On The Solleu, and The Final Assault missions with a silver medal to unlock the Canyon Sprint bonus mission. In the Canyon Sprint mission you play as Rhys in the N-1 Starfighter and you're in a race through the canyon on Naboo. You get to race against the other main characters in the game, Vana, Nym, Essara, and Reti. Depending on who you beat to the finish line at the end will depend on the medal you receive. If you beat Essara and come in first you will get a gold medal.

Outpost Attack bonus mission
Successfully complete all 14 regular missions with a bronze medal to unlock the Outpost Attack bonus mission. In the Outpost Attack mission you must defend an outpost from swarming droid fighters. It is a timed land based mission where you lose points for losing buildings and gain points for destroying droids. Medal ranking depends on the score you achieve.

Space Sweep bonus mission
Successfully complete all 14 regular missions with a silver medal to unlock the Space Sweep bonus mission. In the Space Sweep mission you are in the middle of an asteroid field and you get points for blowing up asteroids, mines, and flying saucers.

Guardian Mantis ship
Successfully complete Contract Infraction, Secrets On Eos, and The New Resistance missions with a gold medal to unlock the Guardian Mantis ship in all missions.

Havoc bomber
Successfully complete Piracy Above Lok, Valuable Goods, Eye Of The Storm, The Crippling Blow, and Last Stand On Naboo missions with a gold medal to unlock the Havoc bomber in all missions.

N-1 Starfighter
Successfully complete Naboo Proving Grounds, The Royal Escort, Taking The Offensive, Midnight Munitions Run, Rescue On Solleu, and The Final Assault missions with a gold medal to unlock the N-1 Starfighter in all missions.

Darth Maul's Infiltrator ship
Successfully complete all 14 regular missions with a gold medal to unlock the Infiltrator ship in all missions.

Giant hotrod
In the Canyon Sprint bonus mission, finish before Essara and get a gold medal. A giant hot rod will appear when the canyon opens up after the finish line.

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